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A Parent’s Guide to the Modern Classroom

Gearing Up for Success: The Next- Gen Approach

The world is changing at an unprecedented pace. The World Economic Forum estimates that 65% of jobs today didn’t even exist ten years ago! This rapid evolution demands a new approach to education, one that equips our children not just with facts, but with the critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills they’ll need to thrive in an unknown future. Enter “NextGen Learning,” a dynamic educational philosophy that personalizes learning, embraces technology, and ignites a lifelong love of learning.

This blog post is your roadmap to navigating this exciting new landscape. We’ll explore how NextGen Learning fosters collaboration between parents, educators, and experts to create a future-proof learning environment for your child.

Shifting the Focus: Why We Learn, Not Just How

Imagine a classroom where children aren’t just memorizing facts for a test, but are actively engaged in projects that spark their curiosity and challenge them to think critically. This is the essence of NextGen Learning. It recognizes that learning is innate – it’s our natural drive to understand the world around us and survive.

Dr.Swati PopatVats, the president of Podar education network speaks of how NextGen Learning incorporates the concept of “RAD learning,” which emphasizes the importance of engaging the Reticular Activation System (RAS), the part of the brain responsible for focus, while avoiding activities that trigger negative emotions in the amygdala. And don’t forget the “dope” – dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with motivation and reward. When teachers can effectively combine these elements through storytelling, games, and activities that provide students with autonomy (choice), learning becomes an engaging and rewarding experience.

Personalization: Understanding your child

NextGen Learning champions personalization, understanding that every child learns differently and has unique interests. Imagine a world where learning is tailored to these interests, not a one-size-fits-all approach. While complete personalization might be limited, schools are constantly innovating. For instance, some schools are implementing adaptive learning platforms that adjust the difficulty level based on a student’s performance.

Furthermore, NextGen Learning is moving away from passive, lecture-style learning towards active, multisensory experiences. Project-based learning is a powerful example. Students collaborate on projects that explore real-world problems, fostering communication, critical thinking, and practical application of knowledge. One popular approach is the ‘Genius Hour’, is an educational approach that encourages students to spend a dedicated portion of their school week working on projects of their own choosing. These projects are driven by students’ interests, curiosities, and passions, rather than traditional curricular requirements.

The Power of Partnership: Parents as Active Participants

The traditional notion of parent involvement, characterized solely by sporadic classroom visits, is obsolete. NextGen Learning envisions a collaborative approach, a village where parents, educators, and experts work together to put the needs of learners first. Open communication channels are crucial. Many schools are utilizing online platforms to share curriculum updates, student progress reports, and even glimpses into classroom activities.

Learning Beyond the Classroom Walls

Even before considering supporting your child’s learning journey at home, understand your own parenting style. Websites like and experts like Ishinna B. Sadana are helping parents understand their own children within today’s technologically fast paced world.
NextGen Learning can be supported at home, too. Creating a conducive learning environment at home that complements classroom experiences makes a big difference. A designated study space with minimal distractions and good lighting can significantly enhance focus and retention.

For gifted and talented children, collaboration between parents, schools, and tutors is essential to identify and support their unique needs. Schools are exploring successful models to support all students, including personalized learning plans and differentiated instruction for gifted learners.

Physical spaces also play a crucial role. Studies have shown that well-designed classrooms with natural light and flexible furniture can positively impact learning. When designing learning spaces at home, consider purpose and sensory experiences. A designated quiet area for focused work can coexist with a brightly lit, creative space for projects.

NextGen Learning in Action: Putting Theory into Practice with Resources

Technology plays a starring role in NextGen Learning. Platforms like Google Arts & Culture use cutting-edge technology to make art and culture accessible to everyone. Imagine your child exploring Indian art forms through interactive puzzles and apps like Madani Gond and Hanuman. Educational platforms like Diksha in India are leveraging technology to personalize learning experiences for students across the country.

Want to explore more? Here are some resources to equip you on this exciting journey suggested by Lina Ashar, Founder Dreamtime learning and Dr. Swati Popat Vats, President Podar Education Network:


  • The Noticer by Daniel J. Siegel: This book is written in a story format, making it an easy read for parents. It explores the concept of mindfulness and how to cultivate greater awareness in ourselves and our children. By understanding how our brains process information and emotions, we can become better parents and help our children navigate the complexities of learning and life.
  • The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton: This book delves into the fascinating world of epigenetics, exploring how our beliefs and perceptions can influence our biology and behaviour. Lipton argues that by changing our beliefs, we can change our experiences. This book can be a powerful tool for parents who want to understand how their own mindset can impact their child’s learning journey.
  • Toto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi: This charming memoir tells the story of a young girl named Satoko (Toto-chan) who attends a unique school that prioritizes creativity and play-based learning. It offers a heartwarming perspective on what education can be and reminds us of the importance of fostering a love of learning in children.
  • Divaswapna: The Champion Within by Divya Gokulnath: This book, written by the co-founder of BYJU’S, a leading Indian education technology company, offers a glimpse into the world of educational innovation. Gokulnath explores the challenges and opportunities of the Indian education system and provides insights into how technology can be used to personalize learning and make education more engaging and accessible.

In addition to these books, there are many online resources available for parents who want to learn more about NextGen Learning. Websites like Edutopia ( and The EdSurge ( offer articles, webinars, and podcasts on a variety of educational topics.

Empowering Parents as Advocates:

By staying informed and engaged, parents can play a vital role in shaping the future of education and ensuring that their children have the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Here are some additional ways parents can become advocates for NextGen Learning in their children’s schools:

  • Connect with other parents: Forming a parent-teacher organization (PTO) or similar group allows parents to share ideas, concerns, and support for NextGen Learning initiatives.
  • Communicate with educators: Open communication between parents and teachers is crucial. Ask questions about the curriculum, teaching methods, and how technology is being used to personalize learning.
  • Support innovative educators: Teachers who are passionate about NextGen Learning approaches may need support and resources. Parents can advocate for them by attending school meetings and voicing their support for innovative teaching methods.

The world of education is evolving, and NextGen Learning offers a promising approach to equip our children with the skills they’ll need to be successful in the 21st century. By working together as a village – parents, educators, and experts – we can create a learning environment that nurtures curiosity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love of learning in our children. So, embrace the journey, explore the resources, and become an advocate for NextGen Learning in your child’s school. The future depends on it.

CIVOM Collaborates

If you’re looking for more resources and insights on NextGen Learning, be sure to check out CIVOM. CIVOM is a learning space design and learning tools manufacturer that hosts monthly live sessions in collaboration with industry stalwarts talking about current trends in education. Visit our YouTube channel for many more such exciting tips.

Hi, I’m Mr. Selvaraj, Principal of ACT Secondary School. After hearing about CIVOM, we decided to set up a library in our school. We approached CIVOM and their team, who came to meet with me. The first meeting went very well; they explained clearly how they would set up the library, including the different models, designs, and materials for furniture and racks. It took them about two months to manufacture the materials and furniture. Once everything was ready, they came to our school, identified the room for the setup, and completed the entire project in just 4-5 days. They took care of everything—flooring, materials, furniture, and the complete interior. The results were fantastic. On the first day back, the students immediately fell in love with the library. They were drawn to the welcoming environment, the new furniture, and the overall positive atmosphere. This new library has created a wonderful space that motivates and energizes the students to engage with books. I highly recommend CIVOM to other schools for setting up their libraries. Thank you.
Mr. Selvaraj (Principal)
ACTS Secondary School. Bangalore
CIVOM has done an outstanding job, and what we appreciate most is their willingness to understand our specific needs. They offer flexible solutions rather than sticking to a fixed style.
The Beaumont concept they introduced is modern and open, which suits our vision for a classroom environment. The furniture is not only child-friendly but also supports teachers in their work. The children love moving the furniture to create their own spaces, which enhances their learning experience.
We are very happy with the results and plan to continue working with CIVOM to explore similar solutions for older students.

Mrs. Kalyani Patnaik, Prinicipal
Hiranandani Foundation School Mumbai
I’m Poonam Saini, Principal of GD Goenka Public School in Indore. Our school’s vision is to provide value-based education with innovation and creativity. To support this vision, it was crucial to set up a library that helps shape our students' character and instill a love for reading.
In today’s technology-driven world, attracting children to read can be challenging. We needed a library that was modern, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. That’s when we found CIVOM, based in Indore, working with Raeco from Australia. They understood our vision and our passion for encouraging reading among students.
Thanks to CIVOM, our library has become a favorite spot for the children. It’s user-friendly and beautifully designed, helping us achieve our goal of fostering a love for reading. Thank you, CIVOM, for creating such an amazing library for us.

Mrs. Poonam Saini (Principal)
GD Goenka Public School. Indore (MP)
I’m delighted to share that the Vikram Sarabhai Library has been successfully restored and reopened. This significant project modernized the library while respecting its legacy, blending traditional elements with contemporary design to meet the needs of today’s learners.
CIVOM played a crucial role in this upgrade, providing bright, flexible furniture and enhancing the library’s overall ambience. Their team helped us design functional spaces, including new shelves and technology areas, that have been well-received by users.
The library’s daily visits have increased, reflecting the success of our partnership with CIVOM. We’re very satisfied with the results and appreciate their excellent work. Thank you, CIVOM!

Late. Dr. H. Anil Kumar Head Librarian,
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
CIVOM has set up several state-of-the-art laboratories on the campus of Parul University. Among the most notable are the Medical Library at the Parul Institute of Medical Sciences and Research and our library for the BBA college. If you visit these libraries, you'll see some of the finest facilities in university education.
In addition to the libraries, CIVOM has also established admission cell offices and faculty offices for us. The feedback from parents, students, and teachers has been overwhelmingly positive. Everyone is very satisfied with the work done by CIVOM. The promoters of CIVOM have a fantastic sense of aesthetics, and the comfort and quality of their infrastructure are remarkable.
Given our satisfaction with this project, we have also entrusted CIVOM with the establishment of our Homeopathy and Ayurveda libraries, which will be coming up soon. Additionally, they will be setting up various faculty offices on our university premises.

Mrs. Geetha Basavaraj (Academic Director)
Parul University, Vadodara (Gujarat)
Bangalore International Kids High School is fortunate to have partnered with CIVOM. We appreciate their approach to furnishing our library, language lab, and computer lab. Their furniture is lightweight and comes in soothing colors, making it easy for children to arrange as they like. The setup is informal, allowing students to move the furniture according to their preferences, which enhances their enjoyment of the library. Additionally, the comfortable furniture in the labs ensures that both students and staff can work and teach comfortably throughout the day. We are very pleased with the quality of the furniture, especially the pieces designed for younger children. We are happy to have chosen such a great company to furnish our library and labs and look forward to continuing our association with them in the future.

Mrs. Geetha Basavaraj (Academic Director)
Bangalore International Kids High School. Bangalore